Thursday, June 14, 2012

AC adapter needed for Canon Powershot SD630 battery charger

AC adapter needed for Canon Powershot SD630 battery charger?
I am going to Greece from USA -- will need to charge my camera. On the back of the charger it says 110v-240v and 50/60hz ... what do I need to get for this to make it work in Greece, if anything?
Cameras - 2 Answers
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1 :
You will need a plug adapter kit (about $10 at Radio Shack)
2 :
since it will do both 110 and 220 power you will not need a power converter only a plug adapter. Here is the type of plug you will need If your plug has 3 prongs on it just get an american 3 to 2 prong adapter and then plug it into your travel adapter. You can find this at most Radioshacks Have a good trip