why is obama trying to make us like greece.
Government - 10 Answers
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1 :
It works in every other civilized nation that has it. WHy are you pointing out the 1 that failed, instead of the dozens that haven't?
2 :
first off, obama's corporatist giveaway and greece's healthcare plan are totally different we already know that government healthcare works in many nations: japan, UK, canada, ect obviously when an economy completely tanks, like greece did, then many programs struggle. judging by your question, it appears that you are exceedingly ignorant regarding this topic, you can get up to speed starting here:
3 :
Because the hospitals and doctors were owned by the govt. Glad we don't have that here.
4 :
Because Greece is a country of widespread corruption. If my wife gave birth at 26 weeks today, then i could call my doctor around my house, he could call an ambulance for her and admit her and the baby into hospital, They could stay there for as long as it takes to get them better and it could coost tens of millions of pounds and we would pay nothing. We already paid out of our taxes. It all boils down to whether or not you are so greedy you don't wish to help your fellow man. I am glad to see see the American right, point to a country such as Greece as an example of a failed left wing policies, it is apt that you compare yourselves to a shonky tinpot country.
5 :
Nationalized Health Care can only work if everyone pays into it and the "give me, you owe me" welfare attitude is eliminated. So in America we created an entire class of people that will make it impossible to succeed. JD
6 :
I believe that he us doing everything he can to get votes so he can get reelected. I don't think he even knows about Greece much less how bad sociallized medicine has failed in every country that has tried it or who are trying it now. Canada has it and their citizens are coming here for treatment. Taking away our rights to practice and develop new cures will be lost and the old will die because their choices will be in the hands of burecrats as to what procedures they will approve. Drew
7 :
Greece has problems but public spending is not their only problem. Tax evasion is also a huge problem, and recently the government named and shamed some high earners, including doctors, who had dodged paying income tax.
8 :
Now, now, didn't you hear your president say last week not to be distracted by all the factual chatter out there? We all know it is unsustainable but it will permanently create a dependent electorate which will lead to more power for the govt.
9 :
It wasn't just healthcare itw as all teh government worker's benefits, pensions, etc. just like California and other states, it's the government labor unions who have broken the back of their economy, because government workers provide services, they do not CREATE wealth, they are parasites leaching off from those who do. All states/nations who let the uniuons takeover will end up bankrupt, the only thing that will save the USA (because we will bail out states like CA and countries like Greece, even though we have to borrow that money from China) is if all the other countries have worse economies/debt/weaker currecny/higher inflation than ours. If all else fails go to war, which is historically what happens when the world goes into a economic train wreck, blame somebody else, loot wealth of other nations, put the unemployed in uniforms, reduce the population and profiteer from weapons and munitions production, and the black market.
10 :
Socialized medicine only works if you are young and healthy. Otherwise, you are only one illness or sickness away from your casket. Most people don't realize that healthcare is denied to people with serious diseases because it is too expensive to treat. We aren't just talking about elderly here, kids, teens, and young adults die too. It takes generations to understand how it works and what happens when you do get sick. You will also find it is difficult to impossible to ever get a doctor's appointment. People that have lived in socialized medicine for years understand this. Americans won't.