To give another example, suppose in a classroom setting all the grades get averaged. Those who earned an F are given C's, and those who earned A's are given C's, why would the A's keep working as hard as they do to carry the lazier part of class? Inevitably the A's would start earning lower grades until the class average was an F, as no real individual achievement is in any way useful. So my question is: why would Greece be any different?
Politics - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The Greeks will moan and riot and complain like spoiled children, but it will be hard to get them to change. They are used to sucking teat.
2 :
Greece will survive, as they have for thousands of years. You think thats bad, imagine if Persia was still attacking them. They survived hundreds of wars, they will survive a recession. This argument is like a kid arguing with his grandfather.
3 :
The problem in Greece is a lot more complex and difficult than that. And it threatens the entire Eurozone. If the Europeans want to save the Euro, they have to bail out Greece. Something that makes the Germans pretty damn mad, LOL.
4 :
Greeks are lazy socialists who want the government to take care of them. The democrats in America are the same way.
5 :
EXACTLY. This is the lesson I'm teaching my two boys. Using the same classroom example you cite. Good work.
6 :
Damned socialist greeks. Invented democracy, yet forgot how to use it. There is a reason that place hasn't done anything noteworthy since antiquity.
7 :
From what I have read the Communist Party of Greece is behind the riots and such. Greek Communist Party website: As a sign at a recent T.E.A. Party I went to said: Hey Greece thanks for the heads up! It won't be any different the people got too fat and sassy suckling off the government teat and now that they are addicted they feel entitled to continue making more money to push papers for the government than someone working for a private sector business does. This is Obama's vision for America, wake up America before we are Greece v2.0 I find it interesting that Spain is telling Obama, don't copy us with the whole green male cow excrement, because it will bankrupt America. Does he seem to care? No.
8 :
Because the EU bailout has strings attached. It's conditional on the government making stringent measures to deal with their deficit, which will entail more man hours for less money from the population at large. If the government fails to meet the requirements, then the creditors can pull the plug and Greece goes bankrupt. However, nobody in their right mind wants that. Edit: LOL at those who blame it on socialism! Its nothing to do with that - the endemic problem is equally the cause of a long sequence of left and right governments (PASOK and New Democracy) who ALL failed to address problems of corruption, tax evasion, and of failing to grow the economy with earlier EU funds. This has NOTHING to do with any political ideology. The banking crisis and Goldman Sachs playing the market has arguably had as much effect on their economic problems.
9 :
Bailing out sb doesn't mean that you give him money as a gift.It's a loan and in Greece's case a loan with a high interest rate (5%-6%).Quite a bargain...