Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Should I move to Greece......Now that all of these things are happening? Please give Good Reasons Y or N

Should I move to Greece......Now that all of these things are happening? Please give Good Reasons Y or N !?
I am looking for a job in Greece or an Online Job that will allow me to move from Canada to live and work in Greece or Work from Home in Greece from my Small Town, up in the mountains. I speak Greek Fluently, but can read and write with some difficulty and I would need to address my Military Obligations (but for us Omogenis, it is only 3 months). Should I still do it, since I love Greece so so Much?
Greece - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I moved from Canada to Greece some time ago, and while I miss Canada terribly i have not regret my decision. If you can find a job, Greece is an Amazing place, I cannot really find a reason not to.
2 :
Nothing to lose I suppose. Try it.
3 :
give it a shot. if u can find a job here, u'll be satisfied. come and try ur luck!
4 :
the truth is that we are not in the better place right now, financially, you know that. it depends a lot of what are you planning to do, if you are going to pay rent, and what medical insurance you are going to have. the unemployment levels have raised a lot, so you better think about it carefully. i wish all the best!
5 :
If you are serious about making the move, you need to also be fluent in reading and writing, there's no way to get around it. Before you actually make the final move, take some time off and go live in that part of greece you plan on moving to. Stay there for 5 months and see if you really can live there. It's big lifestyle change. I know I would have big trouble adjusting to it.
6 :
I am not so sure you would like to live there permanently. Stay in Canada, as you are in much more secure and more beautiful environment. Greece is nice only over the summer and the living standards are much lower than in the land of maple leaf. The one who is recommending Greece as being better than Canada is not telling you the whole truth. Some migrating birds told me - he would never go back to Greece to live in....if it wasn't for the deportation order.
7 :
I hope you are joking. Every greek wants to get away from this hell and you want to go??? I myself am a Greek and as much as I love greece and I miss the food, the weather and my friends and family I moved to the UK. You should just wait till things get better. There is no possibility of you finding a job there. All businesses are either closing or facing extreme difficulties. Big companies are getting out a there. With the taxes on all products on 22% everything costs as gold and if you buy a house you should know that it will keep on losing its value for some time. Not to mention that the political system is failing and that the crime rate has tripled in a year... I know that greece is paradise on earth and a god given beauty but we managed to transform it to the hell that is today. Once you could bring ash and make it gold, now whatever you bring will turn into ash... Sorry to say that but unless someone who really loves greece takes over there is no way that it is worth living there, just for vacation :((((
8 :
The best way to find out if you can manage this big change is to make an experiment and then decide on you own. Visit Greece, for a few months, try it, find a job and then decide. Greece is an awesome place with it's advantages and disadvantages. Nothing more or less. And yes, it's true that we have financial problems, but it's not true that this will lead you to disaster as some people claimed. Disaster is only a matter of perception. You decide what disaster means for your life. For example you have the opportunity to pass through your military obligations in three months only! Who else has this privilege? Not to mention your other privilege: your language. If you come here you'll learn better than now to read and write. If you don't come you may forget what you already know. :( It's not wise to forget your knowledge ESPECIALLY since you can do this experiment for a few months. I suggest to give it a shot!
9 :
Me and my Greek man are seriously thinking of moving from UK to Greece too. We are concerned about the financial crisis that we hear a lot in the media, but every time we are going to Greece we sure don't see any financial crisis, all we see is Greeks enjoying life to the fullest. One way or another, truth is that most countries every now and then, go through politic and economic crisis, so the only sure thing is, that even if there is a financial crisis now, it will be gone one day soon or later. Now the beauty of the Greek land, the sun and the blue water of this country, the beaches, the islands, the passion and hospitality of the Greek people, the history and the culture, the monuments, the great food and so many other great things about this great country, won't go anywhere, it has all been there for some thousand years now. Move to Greece.
10 :
R U kidding??/ why would you leave the security of Canada...good jobs and health care...you live in one of the best countries in the world....spend 6 months at home and 6 months in Greece...and have yourself the BEST of Both ..