Thursday, December 1, 2011

How is obama's vision for America "socialism" working out in Greece

How is obama's vision for America "socialism" working out in Greece?

Politics - 13 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Better than Bush's unregulated banking industry worked out for us
2 :
Apples and oranges here, our economy/government may be comparable in a lot of ways they are worlds apart. There is no such thing as "Obama's vision for America "socialism"."
3 :
What does Greece have to do with Obama?
4 :
It shows the great weakness in Obama's plan for America. Everytime socialism has been tried, it has failed. Greece is just another great example. Isn't it interesting that the IMF has told Greece to privatize its health care system?
5 :
The rich are crying The poor are still happy, Where are you? Socialism?!
6 :
compare the the USA under GW Idiot? GREAT!
7 :
you'll stoop to new lows to denigrate, won't you freddie? Seriously, blaming obama for a foreigin countries' financial problems is beyond the pale; your "question" is nothing more than an attempt to demean.
8 :
oh, did Obama get elected President of Greece, too? He must have been if *HIS* socialism is in effect in Greece, and the people of Greece must have just meekly bowed down and accepted all that socialism without making a peep about it! wow, he is an awesome multi-tasker!
9 :
Socialism in America has been going on for years. Before Obama. - Public Schools - Public Aid - Public Libraries Who do you think pays for all that? That's right, tax dollars. Don't blame Obama. Blame Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr., Carter, Reagan, Ford, the almighty Nixon...
10 :
Obama has nothing to do with Greece, stretch
11 :
You get my nomination for non sequitur of the day.
12 :
Greece's problems were caused by the failure of a certain Capitalists countries Banks and their stupid policy's, (which i hope you remember when your grandkids are having to learn Chinese as their 1st Language)
13 :
great!! we are next?? wait too late we are already broke says obama?? oh well maybe we should share our wealth more so obama can spend our money now he is out of his???